Conscious Comments August 2013 | Page 15

One of the best things is that all the people working throughout the week she is here, are volunteers.

I decided to chill in the children’s room after moving around a bit. How cool! They had signs around for kids to fill out like I love trees because... fill in the blank . and cool activities that were spiritual based.

The children went around the room and made offerings of flowers to Amma for what they were grateful for. I met some parents and made friends. Around 10:30 pm , I started feeling like Isis, my daughter, wasn’t going to make it. She was tired and so stimulated by the people’s energy and lights that she wouldn't take a proper rest. We spoke to a man about possibly getting priority to receive darshan or Amma’s blessing for babies and toddlers. He asked us to come back in an hour. I went to the couches and laid baby down for a nap. There was an older couple with their granddaughter whom I sat with in the children’s room. She was 3 and all squirmy and wouldn’t go to sleep as well.

I got into a conversation with the grandma about taking my own granny to the Price is Right game show, She thought it was quite a coincidence because her mother had been on the show before she passed away. We got in to see Amma around 12:30 am , they ask you before you hug her if you would like a mantra. It was something we both wanted so we said yes. While waiting we heard devotional music being played live. A child no more than ten years old performed Michael Jackson’s Earth Song , I also saw two little boys singing devotional music and a three year old little girl doing devotional dance. These children are amazing!

We received our mantras and instructions for reciting them. The mantra is your link between you and Amma. The mantra lasts a lifetime so you needn’t come back and get another. I believe that a big imbalance in life today is this relationship between mentor and disciple. If you do not have anyone to look to or aspire to for greatness how can you be great? This was the final seal between guru and devotee as I see it, I am forever linked with Amma as her devotee. I finally got out of there around 2:30 am. with a new feeling, a new vigor and new mantra for life!

to find out more about Amma and her works visit