Conquista - The Cycling Quarterly Issue 3 | Page 8

IntroducIng StrIp, Secret traInIng race Informed productS A range of secret weapons created especially for cyclists, runners and triathletes. Each product has been specified to answer a real need with essential ingredients, to ensure fitness for purpose without unnecessary and unhealthy additions. Designed to be with you every step, stroke or pedal of-the-way. From warm-up to clean-up the product range carries, invigorates, protects, sanitises, calms, cools, moisturises, nourishes, soothes and cleans. @SecretraInIngcc /SecrettraInIngcc 10%code off uSe conQuISta10 SHop onLIne noW * One use per customer, valid from: 15/5/14 to 30/5/14 not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.