Mayan Culture
There were many different Gods that the Mayan people worshiped and all gods had a good and bad side. The major God of the Mayan people was Izamna, who was known as the fire and earth God as well as being a creator. Kukulan was also an important God to the Mayan people and is featured on many of their temples as a feathered serpent.
The various Mayan leaders also took on the role as pastor or preacher to the people and were the only ones besides the priest who could make contact with all the different Gods.
The Mayan people were also big believers of the afterlife; believing that the soul never died but instead continued on a dangerous journey in the after world. They believed in a heaven, but thought that it was reserved only for those who died at childbirth and the men and woman who were used as sacrifices to the Gods.
In conclusion I think that the sacrifices were unnecessary but it is something that I identify from other cultures