Connections Quarterly Winter 2019 - Restorative Practices | Page 39

R ES TORATI V E S C HO O L D I S C I PL I N E A whole-school program is not designed to be complicated, time-consuming, or administratively burdensome. Quite the opposite. Once the program is in place and people understand how it works, the processing and resolution of incidents and conflict will happen in an organized, effi- cient, expedient, and predictable way. A policy should lay out in a precise manner the processes, methods, and practices for working through misconduct and conflict in a way that restores relationships and membership. While most policies have a section on bul- lying, the more specific and clear a policy is with regard to distinguishing bullying behavior, and exactly how the school re- sponds to incidents, the more trust parents place in the administration. Restorative Council (“RC”)—The (3-5) mem- ber Council meets weekly (usually for 60 minutes). Schools typically already have a group in place that addresses learning and behavior such as a Student Support Executive Group (SSEG), Social Health Group (SHG), Discipline Group (DG), or Social Inclusion Group (SIG). The RC can draw from the ex- perience and wisdom of these groups, do- ing so by integrating their members into the RC under the rubric of restorative discipline. The restorative response to incidents of bul- lying requires equal parts accountability for the aggressor, and support for the student targeted. This is by far the best prevention. Restorative Program “ A school-based program provides the orga- nizational structure needed to implement and sustain consistently effective restor- ative responses to conflict, misconduct, and challenging behavior—both students and adults. If a school commits to imple- menting school-based programs through- out all its divisions, the result is consistency in coordination, quality of practice, and data-tracking. Once the program is in place and people under- stand how it works, the processing and resolution of incidents and conflict will happen in an orga- nized, efficient, expedi- ent, and predictable way. A high-functioning program has two essen- tial components: ” 1. A Restorative Council 2. Program Documentation and Data Tracking Continues on page 38 CSEE Connections Winter 2019 Page 37