Connections Quarterly Summer 2022 | Page 17

CHAPEL AND EDI ics paper for a global storytelling conference . I suggested a focus on five considerations when approaching stories from traditions other than one ’ s own .
1 . That where commonly understood restrictions exist regarding the sharing of a story claimed by a single , identifiable , cultural community , they be respected ;
2 . That in the sharing of another culture ’ s story , it be made clear that one is neither speaking for that culture nor as an expert in that culture ;
3 . That where a story contributes to stereotypes that deny the complexity and diversity of a people , it not be shared by outsiders , except to underscore the negative impact of such stories ;
4 . That where a story is altered or found to be similar to stories from other cultures , original versions and origins be noted and celebrated as contributions to the global community ; and ,
5 . That where a story arises from an identifiable , highly marginalized culture , direct consultation be undertaken to ensure that the use of the story neither represents an unjust distribution of economic benefit nor impedes the defining and building of group identity .
Within SMUS ’ region , the 1st and 5th considerations often arise in working with Indigenous stories . Because of this , we shape and share stories from our local communities only under the guidance of local , traditionally trained Elders .
“ The first visible signs of our Chapel ’ s EDI evolution appeared within our practice of prayer , based on input from dedicated students . Through their work , what was relevant and meaningful to students quietly took precedence .”
Prayers and Words of Wisdom
The first visible signs of our Chapel ’ s EDI evolution appeared within our practice of prayer , based on input from dedicated students . Through their work , what was relevant and meaningful to students quietly took precedence . It ’ s not that traditions were tossed aside in an iconoclastic frenzy . Rather , traditions were explored so that their core could be maintained .
For example , our pattern was to share the Lord ’ s Prayer at every Chapel . Because students new to the school didn ’ t know the prayer , we shifted to a responsive reading format , so that everyone could join in the words . After a while , we decided to further recognize our diversity by rotating four prayers : Christian , Buddhist , Jewish , and Islamic . Because responsive readings were already our
Continues on page 16
CSEE Connections Summer 2022 Page 15