Connections Quarterly Summer 2020 - Dialogues Across Difference | Page 24

L I TER AT URE IN RE VIE W Continued from page 21 In Beyond Reason, Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro offer a fivefold model for address- ing the concern beneath the emotion. Ev- eryone, they suggest, has one or more of the following needs: to be Appreciated, Affiliated, or Autonomous; and to have their Role or their Status acknowledged. (I have always found it difficult to distinguish role from status, since they are often inter- twined. “Do you know who I am?” can refer either to the speaker being Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief, or the father of a fourth-generation student at your school.) The value of this paradigm is that it can help us understand the conflicting needs that produce what seem to be inconsistent or irrational demands: a person may want to teach in their own way, without any con- straints from department or syllabus, or to be outspoken and contrarian about non-ed- ucational issues (Autonomy), but may also want to be admired (Appreciated), or even loved, by the rest of the faculty (Affiliation). “ Everyone, they suggest, has one or more of the following needs: to be Appreciated, Affiliated, or Autonomous; and to have their Role or their Status acknowledged. ” Having begun with a saint’s advice, let me close with a theologian’s. In seeking pro- ductive talk with another, keep Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer in mind: change what you can, accept what you cannot, and try to discern the difference. l Richard (Dick) Barbieri “retired” after 40 years in independent schools only to take up a new career in conflict resolution and mediation. He mediates between parties and facilitates discussions in a broad range of circumstances, from family and court cases to cross-cultural dialogue between students from universities around the world. In addition to Connections Quarterly, he writes regularly for Independent School, and online at He is editor of ACResolution, the quarterly of the Association for Conflict Resolution. Contact him at [email protected]. Page 22 Summer 2020 CSEE Connections