Connections Quarterly Fall 22 | Page 6

Continued from page 3
important to do so both with the input of existing school leadership and with a commitment toward purposeful innovation . Innovation for its own sake or implementing the latest in pedagogy or technology on a whim isn ’ t wise . To be effective and truly innovative , it must be purposeful and help people make progress .
Having the guidance and buy-in of existing school leadership is important because they are stewards of the school ’ s mission and the gatekeepers to resources for the reimagined experience . At the same time , the school ’ s leaders should have the disposition of supporting and following the desires of the new group , not restraining them because of historical tradition .
It ’ s important to remember that the traditions that exist in a community were not created from on-high . They were an outgrowth of tackling certain problems , chasing certain visions , and living in certain circumstances that made sense for a certain era when they were put in place . Now they are reflections of a culture and a process that people decided was important . Although in many cases understanding a tradition ’ s historical origins may reveal important purposes still relevant for today , the traditions themselves as practiced may no longer make sense in accomplishing that purpose .
As a result , in many ways the creation of autonomous entities to reinvent schooling are

“... reinvention requires starting by asking that foundational question around the purpose of schooling . Even though it may seem like a straightforward question , once you scratch the surface , it ’ s anything but .

invitations to double down on a school ’ s purpose with resources and processes fit for today ’ s circumstances and the students and families they serve .
But that reinvention requires starting by asking that foundational question around the purpose of schooling . Even though it may seem like a straightforward question , once you scratch the surface , it ’ s anything but . There are countless views on the topic . Although a school may debate the question and ultimately decide that it has had the right sense of purpose , it ’ s also possible that asking the question will allow the school to tweak or adjust its purpose for the opportunity at-hand — or clarify its priorities so there is more buy-in than ever before .
Page 4 Fall 2022 CSEE Connections