Connections Quarterly Fall 22 | Page 4

Reinvention with Purpose

As the pandemic began and educators sought to nimbly balance the stresses in their personal lives with the needs of their students and families , many swore that once the pandemic had subsided , schools would not go back to normal .

As we navigate the fourth school year impacted by the pandemic , however , educators and schooling communities are , plainly , exhausted . It ’ s been challenging returning to normal , let alone to seize the disruptions schools have experienced as an opportunity .
Still , opportunities exist to transform learning in schooling communities . As the cloak covering schools has been peeled back for parents over the past few years , many have more fundamental questions than ever before about how schools operate . And where there are questions , just as with students , now there is space for answers and innovative solutions .
To seize these opportunities , schools must both empower a group of their educators with the freedom to rethink what schooling and learning look like , as well as start with a fundamental question : what is the purpose of schooling ?
Page 2 Fall 2022 CSEE Connections