“... it can be a challenge to know exactly how to empathetically support a student struggling through a transition , especially when they are behaving in an overtly inappropriate or unacceptable way , without reinforcing the behavior .”
lenging behavior is a red flag that something is not as it should be . By validating the struggle , we are not condoning the behavior but , rather , helping the student draw connections between their experience and their automatic processes .
“ It can be really challenging to wait for something you are excited about , especially when it feels like your body needs to move !”
Highlight the incongruence between the current behavior and the expected behavior . Place emphasis on wanting to help the student meet the goal , rather than correcting the student for their behavior .
“ We do need to figure out a way to make sure you are able to follow the classroom rule of staying in your seat for recess dismissal , but whatever we decide also helps you with those wiggly feelings .”
Invite the student to collaborate as you together work toward the common goal . When brainstorming , the student may throw out wildly unacceptable alternatives . Focus on generating more alternatives to encourage participation .
“ Letting you run circles around the desks would probably help your body , but would still be distracting for your classmates and is probably pretty unsafe . It was a creative idea , though ! What other ideas do you have ? I was thinking that having a fidget tool at your desk , or maybe getting you a wiggle seat would help , but maybe you have another tool in mind ?”
After initial problem-solving attempts have been initiated , invite the student to sit down together and review how things are going . What is going well ? What did the child do , if anything , to make those changes ? What continues to be a challenge ? Is there something else that might help ? Reviews tend to be most successful and relationally positive when the student feels invited into a special event with the adult , like sharing a healthy snack or assisting with a fun task / activity while you talk .
Continues on page 10
CSEE Connections Fall 2022 Page 9