Connections Quarterly Fall 2021 Vol. XLI - Issue 1 | Page 31

• Consider conducting a “ diversity audit ” of the media your family consumes . Incorporate materials that will expose your kids to varied perspectives while communicating the value of difference . According to 2018 statistics on children ’ s books compiled by the University of Wisconsin , roughly half depict white characters , compared to fewer than a quarter featuring characters of color ( 10 % Black ; 7 % Latinx ; 5 % Asian ; 1 % Indigenous ). Of color characters were actually outnumbered by animal / nonhuman protagonists ! Remember that highlighting diverse experiences does not create division . Rather , exposure to racially / culturally varied characters and storylines provides both “ mirrors ” for self-affirmation and “ windows ” to unfamiliar worlds .
• Support teachers ’ efforts to create classroom cultures where all students feel psychologically safe and are able to collaborate rather than compete . Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmonson ’ s research has shown how teams in safe , collaborative environments achieve greater success solving complex problems . To better appreciate how psychological safety underpins productivity , watch her TedTalk : https :// bit . ly / 3kQAPQ0
• Understand that while content mastery still matters , your child ’ s flourishing personally and professionally in an increasingly diverse society will depend more on soft skills — reading the room , genuine interest in the life experiences of classmates / coworkers , and empathic listening . For more insight into the necessity of cultivating emotional intelligence , learn about the research behind Google ’ s “ Project Aristotle ,” so named as a nod to the philosopher ’ s belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts : https :// bit . ly / 3jFoFdb •
Julie Stevens is a parent , former school psychologist , and former independent school teacher . She has written numerous articles on parenting and moral growth that can be found on csee . org .
Restorative Conflict Resolution Series • Wednesdays , Nov . 3 , 10 , 17 , 2021
During this trying time of increased polarization in our country , we can all benefit from additional tools to manage conflicts more productively . This three-part online training will focus on deeper understanding of the role conflict plays along with specific , effective tools to employ for resolving all types of conflicts .
• Session 1 : A Restorative Approach to Conflict
• Session 2 : Language of Dignity in Conflict Resolution & Restorative Circle Discussion
• Session 3 : Mediator ’ s Toolbox for Conflict Resolution
See more at www . csee . org / event / conflict21
CSEE Connections Summer 2021 Page 29