Connections Quarterly Fall 2021 Vol. XLI - Issue 1 | Page 21

THRIVING IN COMMUNITY our personal work , we should “ consider how our impact may be different from our intent .” This means that an equally important part of moving forward while living in disagreement means admitting our own imperfections . It
“... an equally important part of moving forward while living in disagreement means admitting our own imperfections . It means seeking to ‘ listen , apologize , repair , and learn ’...” means seeking to “ listen , apologize , repair , and learn ” ( Vanderbilt DEI course ) when we make our own mistakes , while remaining compassionate with ourselves so that we can move forward in community .
Moving forward in community as we seek to make our schools a safer , more equitable space is the only option . I encourage you to embrace the idea that teachers , parents , students , and administrators with different perspectives are all seeking to do the best they can . It is possible to continue to build community despite different perspectives across constituencies , as we all begin with the core value of educating our next generation of leaders . In fact , with mutual understanding and respect , there is a chance to not only “ live in disagreement ” but thrive in the diversity of perspective . •
Rev . Katie O ’ Dunne ( known to her students as Chaplain K ) graduated from Candler School of Theology at Emory in May 2015 with her Master of Divinity and Certificate of Religion & Health . She has spent the last six years serving as the Academy Chaplain and the Pauline and R . L . Brand Jr . ‘ 35 Chair of Religious Studies at Woodward Academy in Atlanta , Georgia . While serving in this role , she is also serving as a mental health advocate on the national level , as well as a consultant on interfaith chaplaincy with the CSEE . Katie is currently pursuing her doctorate at Vanderbilt to continue with her focus on faith and mental health . In her free time , she competes in ultra-marathons and hosts the Run Into Life podcast . She can be reached at katie . odunne @ woodward . edu .
CSEE Connections Fall 2021 Page 19