Connections Quarterly Fall 2021 Vol. XLI - Issue 1 | Page 19

In my experience , it is easy to become defensive against seemingly opposing perspectives . It is so simple to harbor deep anger and resentment for anyone questioning the core of our value-driven work in schools . And yet , I ’ ve also found that responding to these inquiries with hostility does not seem to move the marker . So where do we go from here ? Is it possible to live together in peace without agreeing or while carrying different perspectives ?
I hope and strongly believe the answer is a definitive “ yes .” And yet , the work of seeking to live peacefully amid the tension is challenging and requires suspending our belief that those with different viewpoints are less than human . According to Brené Brown , we enjoy having explanations for the problems in the world that “ conveniently makes us feel better about ourselves and places the blame on those people ” ( Daring Greatly , 21 ). And yet , “ sometimes the simple act of humanizing problems sheds an important light on them , a light that often goes out the minute a stigmatizing label is applied ” ( Daring Greatly , 22 ).
“ While challenging , it is both possible and advantageous to humanize individuals with different perspectives , recognizing that their experiences have shaped their approach .”
While challenging , it is both possible and advantageous to humanize individuals with different perspectives , recognizing that their experiences have shaped their approach . The different conclusions they have come to are not a result of a character flaw but simply of a different experience . Moving forward with compassion and understanding allows us to recognize the value another perspective might bring . In the face of adverse conversations , this might mean asking more about what has shaped a parent ’ s experience during a conference , talking to a colleague about their most impactful teaching experiences at their previous institution , or even trying to learn about why your school administrators chose to pursue a leadership role in education .
Seeking to humanize those with different perspectives , as opposed to labeling them as “ bad ” or “ wrong ” in our minds , can help us to move forward as a school community . This does not , in any way , mean “ letting someone off the hook ” or excusing behavior that does not uplift equity in the school ’ s community . In my opinion , human rights and protecting the authentic identities of our students of all races , genders , orientations , and faiths supersedes everything else . And yet , when responding
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CSEE Connections Fall 2021 Page 17