Connections Quarterly Fall 2021 Vol. XLI - Issue 1 | Page 12

Continued from page 9
crisis ”) and Churchill (“ never let a good crisis go to waste ”) made it seem more about cunning statecraft and financial schemes than the genteel , mission-driven world of independent schools . But I was grateful for the admonition and tried to apply it . While facing the facts and the risks , my colleagues and I asked , “ How might we learn and prosper in this environment , while staying true to our Mission and core values ?”
More than a decade later , it seems appropriate to apply similar thinking to another crisis . First , let ’ s be clear : We remain in crisis . By any fair reckoning , our “ long national nightmare ” has not fully ended . People are still dying from the coronavirus , and most schools are planning for a school year with at least some COVID precautions . On top of that , the country remains deeply divided
“ In spite of the best intentions of school leaders everywhere , trust in our actions — often in our very intentions — has eroded among some of our constituents . ... we should dedicate this school year to inspiring trust among faculty , students , and school families .” over racial , cultural , and political issues , with many schools at the epicenter of a backlash against anti-racism curriculum , non-binary approaches to gender , and perceived intolerance of diverse perspectives . We were polarized before the pandemic , but divisions have seemingly metastasized since it started .
What can schools do ? Specifically , how should we approach this school year ?
Above all , we can remember that schools are “ trust organizations .” In spite of the best intentions of school leaders everywhere , trust in our actions — often in our very intentions — has eroded among some of our constituents . Whether caused by the trauma and losses of the pandemic ( and our responses to it ) or by a tribalized society that fuels itself on the pitched battles of cultural and ideological warfare , distrust will undermine our best efforts unless we acknowledge it and take steps to restore trust . Therefore , we should dedicate this school year to inspiring trust among faculty , students , and school families . How do we do that ? I have three suggestions .
We start with the school ’ s mission statement . Our lodestar in normal times , the mission anchors trust-building in a crisis . Remember the left hand ? More than ever , framing curriculum , decisions , and strategy with the mission will reassure , comfort , and inspire those who need to trust us . This especially includes the DEIJ curriculum and our efforts to have every community mem-
Page 10 Fall 2021 CSEE Connections