Connections Quarterly Fall 2020 | Page 28

INNER WORK over again . Even more significant , approximately 80 % of those thoughts are negative “ fear-based ” thoughts .
These fear-based thoughts , which can be referred to as our shadow side , can sabotage our best intentions with harrowing ease . Neuroscientists estimate we are processing 11 million bits of data at any given time , but our conscious brain is only able to process 40 bits of that data ( Wilson , 2002 ). Our limbic system ( subconscious and emotional epicenter of our brain ), which operates at 100 times the speed of the prefrontal cortex ( conscious executive epicenter ), holds 99.99 %+ of our experience and largely drives our behaviors . The amygdala ( survival brain / fear response , often referred to as the fight , flight , freeze , flock ) can override the prefrontal cortex any time it perceives a threat , resulting in behaviors that can further perpetuate the trauma we are experiencing .
An example of this may be our response to a child not following the rules in a classroom . In today ’ s world , a heightened activation may occur due to new hypervigilance around elements of safety , such as a student touching multiple desks , taking off his mask , or high-fiving his friend . Witnessing this may cause activation of our sympathetic nervous system , dumping adrenaline and cortisol in our body , and resulting in particular behaviors / reactions .
When this activation occurs , because we have been conditioned to disconnect
“... because we have been conditioned to disconnect from that inner self , we tend to either shut down our fears through negative self-messaging (‘ what is wrong with me ? It ’ s not that big a deal ’) or to project that fear outward ...”
from that inner self , we tend to either shut down our fears through negative self-messaging (“ what is wrong with me ? It ’ s not that big a deal ”) or to project that fear outward ( e . g . punishing the child ). In both these responses , we experience emotional and somatic discomfort , which is an indicator of a disconnection between our intuitive brain and survival brain . Turning towards these “ shadow ” responses can produce powerful insights that deepen our consciousness and therefore shift our being , aligning our intuitive and behavioral reactions .
Here are some sample “ inner work ” related questions that may offer that insight :
• Past : What in your past is getting activated when you watch the student touch desks , etc ? Where does that reaction come from ? How else does that
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CSEE Connections Fall 2020 Page 11