Connection Summer 2013 | Page 6

FROM THE MANAGER Dear members & patrons t he last quarter has been really busy for your cooperative. As we enjoy the success of a great cotton harvest and a good grain harvest, industry around us is taking note. Your board and management have been approached about many expansion and new ventures to consider for further success and the needs of our members and patrons. One opportunity came about with the closing of the John Deere store at Edna. After the urging of many of our Jackson, Victoria and surrounding counties’ members and patrons, your co-op pursued the purchase of a fourth farm supply store in Edna. After much work from our farm supply staff, the Edna branch of United Ag opened its doors in late February. A very customer-oriented staff was put in place and a very successful open house was held on May 10 and 11, 2013. This store has a lot of potential and will be a full-service location, selling all types of farm supplies, feed, ag chemicals, seed and fertilizer. Please stop by at your first chance and examine this new addition to United Ag. We are also making major changes to our gin trash and dust control system at the Hilje gin. Your board has also chosen to finish off our upgrade of the Danevang gin. We will be replacing the first and second stage precleaning equipment and adding a fire protection system to the Danevang gin. This new fire system will alert at the slightest spark and shut down that machinery to control the spreading of any gin fire. To say the least, this should protect your gin and save much down time during a gin fire. In improving our precleaning, we are adding 12-foot horizontal cleaners, stick machines and inline cleaners to replace the old eightfoot machines. This will also add more cylinders for the cleaning of leaf trash. Cylinders will remove more leaf trash while not losing turn out, which is much different than saw cleaning. The cylinders that cotton will go over after the upgrade will number 42, while the eight-foot old equipment only had 24 cylinders. Along with these changes, we will upgrade our dust control and trash system at Danevang. This should really increase our capacity at the Danevang gin. Because the structure of the fertilizer industry has changed drastically over the last few years, we felt that to serve our members better and more economically we must expand our liquid storage and capacity. In the past, we have not been able to take advantage of purchasing opportunities on fertilizer because we were only being offered material when first handlers were willing to sell, and then we could onl 䁍