Connection Spring 2014 | Page 7

FROM THE MANAGER We recommend grid sampling a field once every three years unless yield maps show continued response problems in production. Please consider your coop before considering more costly charges for less sensitive precisions. Rice Farmers Coop has purchased our First Street Gin property and office area. You will see much work going on at that location as we move out the balance of the gin equipment. Today, your coop is a very complex business where monthly board meetings have full agendas and can last hours or longer. As we grow, we are continually bombarded with new opportunities for change or growth. Your board has been very diligent in researching, dissecting and analyzing each of these growth potentials to make business decisions that will be best for our membership in years to come. At the same time, any ideas from our membership are welcome. Your board and management strive to be a strong, professional team with service, longevity and profitability as major concerns. The livelihood and profitability of our members and patrons are held in highest regards. We appreciate your support and business and thank you for your confidence in United Ag. Grid sampling is an excellent way to save money on inputs. United Ag offers a program that allows producers to grid sample their fields and formulate a precision fertilization recipe specifically for that field. Results can be tracked by doing tissue samples in the same area. Sincerely, Jimmy Roppolo Free gift with purchase of 100 doses of BI Vaccine and Cydectin Pour On. value through innovation Trichguard Helps protect against trichomoniasis in cattle, a venereal disease that can be spread throughout the herd by a single infected bull. Triangle Contains killed viruses of BVD Types 1 and 2, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and parainfluenza-3 (PI3), depending on the product. Cydectin Pour On Treatment for gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, cattle grubs, mites, lice, and horn flies. 7