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BULLETIN NO.: MGR-17-013 (4) 3 For crops (other than nursery or citrus fruit) destroyed or damaged to the extent they will never be harvested (e.g., unable to mechanically harvest, unable to gin, etc.), and destroyed harvested cotton modules still covered by Federal crop insurance (not yet moved from the field, or moved to a new location via MGR-17-011): (a) On the entire unit: (i) Complete the production worksheets, reflecting zero production to count. (ii) An appraisal worksheet is not required. (b) On part of the unit, field, or subfield: (i) Estimate the acreage in the field or subfield based on the certified acreage from the acreage report (refer to (3) above). (ii) Complete the production worksheets, reflecting zero production to count for the destroyed/unharvestable field or subfield or modules that cannot be ginned. (iii) An appraisal worksheet is not required on the destroyed/unharvestable acreage. (5) (6) If the crop is not destroyed on the unit or part of the unit: (a) A minimum number of three representative samples per unit are required without regard to the size of acreage if the damage is consistent. If there are more than three fields or subfields within the unit and the damage is consistent, only one representative sample per field or subfield is required. AIPs must notate as such in the production worksheet narrative. (b) Estimate the acreage in the field(s) or subfield(s) based on the certified acreage from the acreage report (refer to (3) above). (c) Record the harvested or appraised production on the applicable appraisal or production worksheet. For cotton, if modules were delivered to the gin but not yet ginned and subsequently destroyed and no claim for indemnity is filed, production may be reported for APH purposes using the production harvested from the unit based on weights of the modules delivered to the gin. If gin records are unavailable, production based on module measurements would also be acceptable for APH purposes. The Cotton Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook contains procedure for determining production based on module measurements.