ConnectEd February 2019 | Page 4

4 In a national recognition by San Francisco 49er Marquise Goodwin, Rowlett High School coach and director of football operations Richard McCroan recently received a Coaching Corps Game Changer Award for helping shape Goodwin’s life in middle school, high school and beyond. THE TOP 8 It’s never too early to enroll students in school. Attend the district’s second annual #ChooseGarlandISD Day from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 30 at the Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center. We’ll walk you through the enrollment process and help you choose the best campus. Have a prekindergarten student already in GISD? The Choice of School period for Pre-K and kindergarten runs March 20-April 18. connected February is School Board Appreciation Month in GISD. Join us in thanking our seven Trustees for their excellent leadership and dedication to service. 7 GISD may be the best kept secret, but we want to let it out. Scan the QR code to see our #GarlandUSA commercial coming soon to a movie theater near you.