September 2018 stared with a bang and
continued all month
Onam Celebrations jointly hosted by 4 tables
BNRT 25, BMTRT 129, BKRT 174 & BRRT
219 where the TIC TOK results event by BNRT
25 were given out it was a huge success and we
all had a great time and they had served
KERALA style food which was really tasty
BCRT 90 had a free Eye Checkup Camp camp at
Govt. Kannada & Tamil Model Primary School
in collaboration with ZEISS. Best in class
equipment was used to check the eyes for 350
Students and 30 Teachers
TRT 173 felicitated the Teachers in their adopted
school at Tumakur which they do year on year
and make them feel special for doing the great
job and educating the students and make them
better people
APT at Area 6
This was followed by Inauguration of Class
Rooms at Panchayat Union Middle School at
Thally project by BERT 27 partnership with
P&G Shiksha also in association with
APT (A PROUD TABLER) Program was made
compulsory to have one minimum every Quarter
in the Area and the new prospects have to attend
one before getting inducted have to carry the
certificate which is issued on attending it to the
Induction to the table. Tr. Rajaram Gowda, Tr
Kevin D’Souza & Sq.Leg Kiran Anegudi along
BART140s School Block Book Donation by BRT 7 Eye Camp by BCRT 90
TRT 173s Gurudevo Bhava Medical Camp by HRT 87 BRRT 219s Singapore Project