It was indeed a historic month
for Area 16 . The Dhanbad
Extension plan finally came to
reality as the first contact meet
was successfully done in the
presence of area Chairman Tr.
Sidharth Kudos to the efforts
of Table 244 and 284 to bring
in 19 prospects . It was well
covered by print media too.
As we know the creators of "
Flights of Fantasy " , BRT 53
underprivileged kids for their
first ever Flight . The
destination this time was
Hyderabad and the hosts was
Area 9. Hats off to Brt 53 and
it's chairman Tr. Kabir for this
amazing event with 40 kids on
board to FOF . The event was
well covered by television
Sambhalpur Table Meeting
RT53 FOF Publicity Dhanbad Contact Meet Publicity Dhanbad Contact Meet
RT244 Blood Camp Fellowship Torch Blood Donation Publicity