multiple eye check up camps at our FTE
schools to help kids focus better. socials, publicity events kept all the tablers
super busy.
Solapur Highflyers RT309 celebrated their 1st
Charter night. It has been a super duper ride
for them in the first 12 months. Most tables are now geared up for Diwali
with theme based socials, card nites and other
exciting events.
Poona Heritage RT182 celebrated their
Charter day with a donation drive at a local
orphanage. RTI week is being planned by all the tables
across with multiple events.
Poona Metro RT65 kicked off the Area
Premier league Cricket tournament with an
auction of over 90 players. Post all the the
action everyone is looking forward to the
matchday in December.
Our 2nd AEX is planned for November at a
fabulous n exciting location.
Looking forward to some exciting times in
the coming month at Area 15.
At the NAGM Area XV tables were
recognised for their performance of the
previous year. We had a large entourage
participating and partying till early hours.
Multiple fellowships, community services,
AC Tr. Darshan Kabra
AST Tr. Ashish Dhole