Connect October2018, Issue 4 | Page 35

8 October month started with 3 massive fund raisers and publicity events by KHRT125,LMRT255 & VERT278. Musical Jugni Band night organised by KHRT125 was attended by who’s who of Kanpur, tablers from KRT16,LRT136 and in presence of National President Tr. Dhruv Dalmia along with Area Chairman Tr. Rishabh Jain. LMRT255 launched Gift A Brick campaign which got a huge success from Pan India with corporates like Carl Ziess and other Bangalore entrepreneurs. VERT278 had a massive vibrant Dandiya Night which was the talk of the town for many days after the event; super fellowship was witnessed with presence of other tablers from Varanasi,Badhoi and in presence of AST Tr. Khushal Bhargava and his wife Anima. KCRT111 planned to raise funds through dry fruit boxes and they had self packed the boxes themselves. The month saw super enthusiasm of Twinklers participating in various activities like LRT136 twinklers attended Mobile photo pic workshop,VRRT218 & LMRT255 had fun during dushehra. SRT 298 organised pizza making LAPD. But the highlight of A8 twinklers activity was Twinklers Times which made waves all KHRT125 Fund Raiser - Musical Jugni Band Night Varanasi Tables Fellowship KCRT111 Dus Ka Dum CS LRT136 Mobile photography LAPD Mirzapur 1st Contact Meet Rudrapur 5th Contact Meet VERT278 media coverage of Dandiya