An Area Fellowship “Round Table Night
Cricket’ was organised by the Area Fellowship
Convener on the 19 th of May at the Sky Turf,
Karnani Estate from 4 pm onwards. Under the
tournament all the Tablers interested to
participate were requested to register their name
by the 15 th of May. Once the registration was
completed seven teams were made each team
ownership were sold to interested tables. Once
the team owners were finalised, they sat to pick
their teams members from the registered list.
Then seven teams were divided in two groups to
play the league matches. On the D-Day seven
team clashed and eventually in the Finals ‘113
ke Sher’ defeated ‘17 ke Sitare’ and Tr Kunal
Bothra was judged as the Man Of the Match.
The tournament was a grand fellowship event
which was attended by over 100 Tablers. The
event was also graced with the presence of NP
Tr Dhruv Dalmia, AC Tr Manish Lakhotia, AVC
Tr Jeet Agarwal & AST Tr Amit Agarwal.
‘Round Table Bowling League’ An Area
Fellowship hosted by CSRT106 on the 12 th
May’19 at Time Zone, South City Mall. The
fellowship witnessed participants from Tablers,
Circlers and Twinklers. It was a well organised
and a half day event. It was also well
appreciated by all the participants and twinklers
who even enjoyed other games available at the
Time Zone. CSRTians had also arranged for
snacks and beverages for all the participants and
the event attending Tablers.
Round Table India & Ladies Circle India
executed yet another Flights Of Fantasy where
20 less privileged kids were flown to Ranchi.
These kids mostly belonged to the tribal areas
near Kharagpur and Lovelock Bustee in
Area Fellowship Hosted by CSRT106
Flight Of Fantasy by CPRT34 Workshop by Rahul Jain by KKRT293 Community Service by CSRT17
FTE School Inauguration Cycling Trip to Netherlands Fundraiser by ACRT322