Connect Magazine | Page 39

To my daughter, I will offer three ideas for a contented and blessed life: 1) Don’t make assumptions. Remember, we don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. Always communicate honestly and openly. Be curious. If you don’t understand something, ask questions. We truly connect with another when we listen to their story rather than assuming we know what it is. 2) Believe in yourself and something much greater than yourself, and remember this life we live is all an illusion. My father’s motto was: always believe in yourself. This has stood me in good stead, but I would also add: believe in something much greater than yourself, whether it is a Universal Creator, the Divine Mother, or the wisdom of Mother Earth. No matter what happens on your life’s journey, this is all an illusion.We are walking in a dream. Connecting with our self, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, is fundamental to healthy living. Connecting with something Greater keeps us in touch with our true spiritual home. 3) Touch Nature every day. Never be too busy or concerned with the small things that you forget to touch the Source. Whether it’s barefoot on the beach, your face against the bark of a tree, the rain on your skin, taking a moment to honour a glorious sunrise, watching clouds make pictures across a fragile blue sky, listening to birdsong at dawn or the sound of crickets in the early evening, make it a priority to become one with Mother Nature. She’ll always restore you, and never let you down. Connect with her. 39