Greetings Members!
We continue to advocate for property
owners’ rights and our RPAC committee
has done an outstanding job of increasing
the awareness of the need to support our
Legislators’ abilities and preparedness
to do that in the arenas where they have
influence. A HUGE issue that we have
before us is the renewal of the National
Flood Insurance Program that if not
renewed, could devastate thousands, if
not millions of property owners. Please
provide whatever support you can to
educate and influence the successful
renewal of that program. You’ll find
information within this issue on how you
can take action.
Never a better time to be a professional in
the Real Estate Industry! Your customers
need your professionalism as a Realtor®
more than ever and we at the Association
are focused on increasing the public’s
understanding of the value that you bring
in accomplishing their objectives. With the
myriad of information sources available to
consumers, there is no better source of
information than you, a knowledgeable
and trusted professional! It is incumbent
upon all of us to fulfill that promise,
that when working with a Realtor®,
they receive accurate and dependable
information, as well as outstanding
guidance and service throughout their
Reach Back,
We live in one of the most enviable areas
transaction and in the months and years
Leap Forward
of the country and are so fortunate! Take
to come. As an Association, we have
the time to learn all that you can about
experienced an increase in continuing
the unique opportunities available to the
education and the accomplishment of
earning professional designations and I would like to personally newcomers to our little slice of paradise (and current residents)!
recognize and congratulate our Professional Development In this issue and those to come, you will find great information
Committee for providing tremendous education sessions and about some of the lesser-known options to enjoy homeownership
leading the charge on increasing the level of professionalism in and live the lifestyle that our customers long for!
our marketplace!
As always, until next time, I wish you successful business, a
We also want to emphasize the importance of SAFETY. fulfilled life and ask that along the way, remain conscious of
September is Realtor® Safety Month and the Nation Association every opportunity you have to help those around you while we
of Realtors® has used this time over the years to make a huge all REACH BACK AND LEAP FORWARD!
push for safety. In this issue, you will find not only information
about general safety in your day-to-day business, but also when
it comes to protecting your identity and your clients’ money.
William E. Steinke, P.A., CNE
2017 President