“Ends are not bad things, they
just mean that something else is
about to begin. And there are
many things that don't really
end, anyway, they just begin
again in a new way. Ends are
not bad and many ends aren't
really an ending; some things
are never-ending.”
The Quotes look very well
connected to each other and has
a candid connection to the
month of June with a context to
Tabling. A way to look at it is
that this is a last month of a
Tabling year but something that
also presides over a new
beginning. In true sense Tabling
is also never ending – it is
always a end to begin in a new
Eid Celebration at Tr Hussain House
JJRT 191 Table Text KRT 281 Fellowship ULRT 206 Double your Profit FR
URT-253_ FTE School_Bhoomi Pujan URT-253 Movie Bharat Fundraising UURT 234 Twinklers Activity on
Fatherds day
The month of June in Area 12
was no less, it was the last