Connect June2019, Issue 12 | Page 19

Monsoons have set in.. potlucks, picnics, outdoor activities like gardening, walking and running are all out.. Speaking of running, Michael Johnson once commented - "Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best". Most of our tables are like this; June being their month of rest in the entire calendar of them performing their best. However there is no rule without an exception. Notable in Area 1 are 2 tables QRT85 and MCRT99, who probably ran the marathon year thinking of it as a sprint; scampering across the finishing line to a resounding success. MCRT 99's "flight of fantasy" which took the under privileged children to the skies garnered immense publicity for them. It was well deserved too, considering the big smiles that it brought to those kids. School bags were distributed by the chief of Area 1 TeXT 2019-20 MCRT 99 flight of fantasy MCRT 99 publicity coverage RSRT 158 numbered meeting in Special school supported by CRT71 TRT54 classroom inauguration White board donation by QRT85