Apart from the regular table AGMs that
are held in July across the area, Area 1
had something special to boast. Bodies
such as Round Table have always risen
to the standards and helped the
community whenever a need has arisen..
and that is what happened when the
heavy downpours flooded the low lying
as well as some hilly terrains of
Kottayam and Alleppey district in
Kerala. The following are the activities
carried out by some of the tables in
those areas.
Alleppey RT103 in association with
Duroflex has given 1000 beds, 1000
Pillows and 1000 bed sheets to the flood
affected families of Kuttanad. Collector
S Suhas inaugurated the event and Area
Chairman Vineeth and Incoming Area
Chairman Zaheer graced the occasion.
Alleppy Round Table members distributing relief material at the flood affected areas
Kottayam RT 79 along with MRT14,
KLC 48 reached out to 500 individuals
at flood stricken areas in kottayam
district and distributed 1000 kgs rice,
1000 litres of water, 1000 kgs lentils.
Kottayam Round Table 121 have
planned to donate Gentian violet 15ml
bottles 15000nos, Clotrimazole cream
15gm 10000 nos and Chlorine tabs
(packs of1000 ) 20000 nos to the flood
affected areas.
Relief Work at Alleppy Food Distribution District Collector addressing gathering
Ground Condition Home Essentials Distribution Relief Material