Area 5 began the year on a high note with
almost 90% of the tables finishing off with there
Table AGMs in style !! The focus of the area for
the first month was more on fellowship and
internal bonding where the new incoming board
along with conveners and floor can get to know
each other more ! Tables Focussing more on the
vision for the year of Area Chairman Live Life
infinite which is in sync with the National them
Live Life ! Tables decided on there themes and
presented the plans for the year which would
drive Area5 on auto pilot mode in the coming
time, The highlights of the month were Table
AGMs at various splendid locations , 297
organised Yoga for desk jockey, A interactive
LAPD Session by Union Minister steel was
organised by 242 , Cherish a moment
photography contest for twinklers by Area
twinkled convener , Under go green and
community service activity 151 distributed
pencil with seeds to children readers society
Okhla , 279 carried out the book donation drive
with Ek Pahel school , Some out of the box
publicity was done by 202 with barricades on
the road carrying RT logo on them ! One of the
biggest publicity for RT was undertaken by
TARANG Krishna where a massive hoarding
has been signed up at the IGi airport for RTI
branding , for sure this is a mega task and would
give super mileage to RT as a brand , Some
unique fellowships we’re undertake amongst
tables liKE FIFA World Cup fellowship , Pool
party etc
Sanju Movie Fellowship by RT297 RT270 AGM RT32 AGM
Zumba Fellowship @ Indore RT217 & RT311 AGM Ludhiana Tables Joint Fellowship
Overall a great start to the year by Area 5