Connect January2019, Issue 7 | Page 51

“Heavenly divas”. RT 109 had their annual Men’s night out at an undisclosed location. Further Details are still awaited. SRT 166 had a mega go green project with INSIPRA DEVELOPERS planted 200 saplings. 4 Tables of Mysore RT 21, RT 109, RT 156 & RT 256 jointly renovated the police traffic island at 4 Junctions at the famous Krishna Rajendra Circle, Mysore. This junction is at the heart of the city and Round Table movement is widely publicized. Runnel, Sakhaleshpur and Area 13 is all excited for Jaffa and practice session for the same will start soon. 3 1 a e r A The 4 Tables of Mysore RT 21, RT 109, RT 156, RT 256 came together again for limb donation project. This was in continuation with the limbs donated as a part of RTI week. Coming Up- 3 rd AEX on 15 th Feb 2019 at The AC Tr. Siddharth Shastry AST Tr. Ravi Kumar