Connect February2019, Issue 8 | Page 61

tablers and twinklers were briefed about the process of umbrella making. They also had twinkler fellowship in Tr. Pradeep’s residence and they welcomed a new twinkler into the family. RT 256 had a fellowship event on Valentine's day and also a socials hosted by their Honorary tablers. They also had a poultry visit and the twinklers were briefed about the life cycle of a hen. The kids enjoyed a lot playing with the chicks. It was followed by fellowship. the next day with good attendance and was a very fruitful one. The fellowship continued post lunch and finally the tablers left the resort. 3 1 a e r A RT 115 continued with their feed the needy monthly program. RT 109 & RT 256 have planned a joint mens cook out this month end. RT 266 celebrated their inauguration day with a fellowship event. AREA 13 had their 3 rd AEX which was hosted SRT 276. There was a pool party the previous night and the tablers enjoyed the hospitality of Saki boys. AEX was held the AC Tr. Siddharth Shastry AST Tr. Ravi Kumar