In the month of February, 2019, the first
positive news came was that Tr. Saurabh
Agrawal who represented Area XI at RTI
Idol has won a trophy in Kolkata in the
Duet Category. The Jaffa Team of Area XI
is also strongly gearing up for the big event
“JAFFA 2019” on 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd of March.
The Team is continuously practicing and
we are very hopeful that the team would
bring glory to Area XI in Delhi.
These being a Valentine’s month, many
Tables have enjoyed Valentine’s Day in
form of Social or Fellowship on 14 th , 15 th
and 16 th of February, 2019. SURT – 265
and SULC – 138 has organized a Movie
Fund Raiser of “Gully Boy” on 15 th of
February, 2019 which was a Bumper Hit.
AHRT – 193 had also entered into an
adventurous journey and organized an
International Fellowship with tablers of RT
– 93 Denmark and RT – 93 Belgium and
spend some awesome evenings and parties
with them over 2 days. They have hosted
in Total 6 Tablers during this International
Fellowship. GRT – 254 has organized an
LAPD Session which was facilitated by Tr.
Prakash Anandani for the benefits of the
RT170 FTE School Pic with all Tablers
ART40 Heart project RRT Dinner Fellowship RT135 Valentine Day Celebration
RT265 Gully Boy Movie Fund Raiser RT199 Commencement of School RT193 International Fellowship