February, at Area X, was full
of activities and a very
balanced month.
The highlight of the month
was the WORLD RT 60 Meet
organised by DRT 60. This
was the first World Numbered
meet to be held in Area X and
it was a great experience with
more than 20 International
Tablers attending from 7
different countries. They had
a Pre-Tour after which they
reached Goa, saw Hampi and
had their meet in Dharwad.
February also saw the 3
tables from Belgaum – 119,
205 & 237 coming together
to host the MTM as well as
3rd AEX of Area X - Kissey
APT session by BVRT 152 Bhoomi Pooja by BVRT 152 Bhoomi Pooja by DRT 60
Bhoomi Pooja by IRT 267 Box Cricket by Belgaum Tables Classroom Inauguration PERT 251