Connect-ed Issue 41 June 2018 | Page 12

Engagement Before Information -

creating a teaching community of learners with a growth mindset

How has the growth of our collaboration with Juilliard supported and developed our teachers? Over the years there have been many extraordinary answers to this question, but today I want to reflect on the route we have taken to get here, and the development of the most amazing community of performing arts teachers and arts training delivered side by side with Juilliard. Without a doubt our NAE performing arts teaching community is better for it and this has a direct effect on our students learning.

Most teachers share a burning passion for their subject and this is especially true of teachers in the performing arts. Working to develop and embed the Juilliard ethos into our schools through structured, constantly developed (through teacher response) PD has created something very special. It’s not often that a group of teaching specialists can come together and share their passions, learn from each other, get excited about what they love and come back to school feeling charged and empowered.

Our professional development sessions both regionally and at Juilliard help teachers explore their love of their subject and challenge their creativity, not only with the professors leading the workshop sessions but also with each other - there has yet to be a PD session that has not ended with tears on reflection of the achievements and prospects of what we can take back to our schools and lifelong teaching friends and links made.

And that’s a catalyst for great learning. What is more inspiring to a student than being taught by an inspired teacher? One who is excited to create and feels confident to explore and challenge their own teaching practice and what they are delivering; one who works within a community that celebrates their practice and is open to reflection and development.

Investing time to create together as teachers and arts professionals, exploring and developing teaching materials and ideas, and building friendships has had a knock-on effect with our students. The arts community continues to grow because of the PD taking place at Juilliard, regionally and on NAU. Teachers have a wealth of knowledge and first-hand expertise in their teaching colleagues around the world and their curriculum specialists from Juilliard. Excitingly this thirst for creativity and community is now leading to performing arts teachers setting up festivals, training and performing arts events in different regions – creating unique experiences and opportunities for our students.

The arts community continues to grow and develop through programs lead by our regional leads, and the input from all teachers in the development of materials on the Juilliard creative classroom and sharing of resources on NAU. This continuous sharing, development and reflection has created a cycle of growth amongst us - how could that not benefit our students?