night was back where we had guys in good
numbers from the Area participating for a mega
fellowship and bonding with free flow of
BMRT275 boys went for an international trip
for fun and fellowship where they had a unique
meeting in pool under water - overall a
wonderful time on a stag outbound.
Bhoomi Poojan of 2 class rooms at Parijatham
Sanctuary School, Chittoor Dist, AP was
initiated by BCRT90 which was followed by
lunch and fellowship. BCRT90 also distributed
blankets to the needy in the tribal village of AP.
hosting Christmas parties and are all set to
bring in 2019 with the craziest parties around.
BRRT219 initiated a sole 4 sould school shoes
drive and BNRT25 organised a movie fund
raiser which was followed by a fellowship.
NFC Priyesh has been on his toes travelling
across the country visiting the various
Fellowship events and the Area is on a roll
AC Tr. Dheeraj Bajaj
AST Tr. Angadd