Connect August2018, Issue 2 | Page 17

4 The 39 th Annual General Meeting of Area 4 was held on the 11 th of August’18 at the Holiday Inn, Bombay Road, Kolkata. Tr Manish Lakhotia took over as the Area Chairman from IPAC Vivek Dalmia. Tr Jeet Agarwal took over as Area Vice Chairman and Tr Amit Agarwal as the Area Secretary Treasurer for the year 2018-19 as part of the 40 th Area Head Board. With the Table AGMs Galore this July, Destination AGMs was the flavour - CRT 4 had their Table AGM at Goa, CSRT 17 & CPRT 290 had their AGM at Thailand, CPRT 34 concluded their AGM at Kolkata, KERT 63 had their AGM at Kolkata. CMRT 113 on every 1 st Tuesday of the Month sponsors free dialysis to less privileged patients free of cost at Kolkata Swasthya Sankalp, Kolkata helping 31 patients with cost of Rs 25000. KVRT 227 did a community service event for 1077 underprivileged kids, where the kids were allowed to shop what they desire from the stalls with virtual money given to each one. Area Head Board at Area 4 AGM held in Kolkata Dialysis CS by CMRT 113 Shopping with VirtualMoney KVRT227 Dental Camp by DART 271 CS at FTE School by CHRT 67 Football Tournament by CMRT 41 Pehchaan -2 by CRT 4