April has been an
exceptional month for
Area X. There have been
balanced activities
throughout the 16 tables
and the highlight was a
superlative and successful
ALC - Tatva organised by
D a v a n g e r e RT 7 6 ,
wherein the lead
f a c i l i t a t o r w a s Tr.
Himanshu Gupta. The
participants went back
with a lot of learning and
we identified several
future leaders.
Buddies Night by BRT119
Inauguration of Classrooms by
PCRT128 Bhoomi Poojan by MYRT228 Voting Awareness Campaign by
Medical Camp by IRT267 Public Hoardings by BVRT152 Brunch Fellowship by PCRT128
Projects have always
been a priority at Area X
and keeping up with this