Congreso Internacional FITAC Congreso Internacional FITAC 2019 | Page 10


Process for booking and information of payment

You must to pay the 50%

• The remaining 50% must cancel at least 2 business weeks from the date of the Congress

• All payments must be applied 100% at the beginning of the Congress

• If the Sponsor has not made the payment before the start, the organizers may cancel their reservation, applying a penalty of 50% of the value


*Cancellation / Reduction Policy

In case of cancellation and / or reduction of sponsorship, you must communicate in writing to the commercial advisor and the organizing committee. The cancellation penalties will be the following:

• 50% of the contracted package if cancellation and / or reduction is made between June 15, 2019 and August 15, 2019.

• 100% of the contracted package if the cancellation and / or reduction is made after August 15, 2019.