IS “ MIS-HIRING ” people your single biggest headache ? Four decades of research by Topgrading , Inc . indicates that it is . More than half the people you hire turn out to be disappointing , right ? Why is it so hard to hire great performers ? Candidates for hire can lie on their resumé and during interviews and get away with it . Fortunately , there is one hiring tool that is very easy to use that promises to all but eliminate those mis-hire headaches .
ROi : Brad , your company has taught hundreds of thousands of managers how to use the Topgrading Snaphot ( Fig . 1 ) to assure hiring almost all “ A ” players . Is the Topgrading Snapshot something like an automated interview ?
BRAD : No . It ’ s not an interview and not a test . It looks like a standard application form , but it ’ s really special . For starters , it has a “ truth serum ” that motivates all candidates to tell the truth .
ROi : Is it more useful than administering tests to candidates ?
Yes , because the Topgrading Snapshot reveals so much more . It : 1 . Scares away low performers ( good !) 2 . Scares away liars with fictitious resumés ( good !) 3 . Shows instantly if someone is a job hopper 4 . Gives you the candidate ’ s full salary history
5 . Shows you how every boss would rate the candidate ’ s overall performance
6 . Tells why they left each job — their own choice ( good ), “ mutual ” ( not so
good ) or fired for cause ( bad )
ROi : At a glance , you can see all of these things ? That ’ s really amazing . How does it work ?
BRAD : Simple . Suppose you received twenty resumés for , say , a sales rep job . They all look like “ A ” player resumés because the low performers in this goup lied . That reality frustrates the heck out of every hiring manager . You just send them an email thanking them for sending their resumé and ask them to complete the attached application form . They send you the completed form and we send you their Topgrading Snapshots . In minutes , you pick out maybe three or four of the best candidates and call them . You know these candidates are all basically honest and sharp , are in the right salary range , have great ratings by their bosses , and left their jobs of their own accord .
ROi : So , hiring managers save a ton of time and learn in seconds who are the best candidates . Is the Topgrading Snapshot expensive ? BRAD : $ 25 ! ROi : How can our readers learn more about Snapshot and Topgrading ?
BRAD : Readers can go to our website at www . Topgrading . com and download a free eBook , Topgrading 301 , to learn about the Topgrading process . They can also contact us directly through our website or call us at ( 847 ) -244-5544 .
For Your Hiring Headaches