Confex Confex 2019 Official Preview | Page 11

Exhibitor list Company Name Stand # Company Name 10-11 Carlton House Terrace 15 Hatfields A Peaky Blinders Event and Entertainment Company Aberdeen Convention and Events Bureau ACC Liverpool Adexpo Allseated Allwag Promotions Alpha 1 Security Services Aluvision Amadria Park ArcelorMittal Orbit Artempo Artifax Aventri Awesome Events Ball Mania Below Zero Ice Bar BeMatrix Birmingham Airport Bounce Bournemouth International Centre Brella Bruntingthorpe Events Bubble Inc Burley Manor Candle by Events CEME Conference Centre Chelsea Football Club & Under The Bridge Chessington World of Adventures & Thorpe Park Resorts Chinawhite Circus Dreams Ltd City Cruises Coach Logistics Coin Street Venues College Court Conference Centre Conference Aston Conference Coventry & Warwickshire Coombe Abbey Hotel Coople Coppid Beech Hotel Creative Hire Creative Products Crowd Comms Crystal Interactive Cube-I Curzon Cinemas LTD CVENT Cybertech Delegate Select Designer Flowers DialogLoop Digital Design & Media East of England Arena and Events Centre Edinburgh First EFX-Awards & Trophies Eikon Exhibition Centre ETC Venues Ltd European Convention Center Luxembourg Event & Production Services UK Ltd Event Exhibition and Design Limited Event Express Event Logic Eventboost Eventbrite Eventbuizz Events @ No 6 Events at The Gherkin by SEARCYS Stand # Company Name J19 EventsAIR F24C ELP7 Eventuality UK Ltd M19C Everybooth F38C D62C Evolution Dome N34C Exhibition and Event Carpeting EN6 G35C Expoplatform G38C G17C Firebird Conference Systems ETL8 M33C Flexestand H18C M10C Fluffy Puffin A2C C16C Fonix OS1C H14C Freeman EMEA Test shell M24C Gaudio F46C D36C GES Networking J24 Bar M30C Giant iTab O6C L6C Global Hospitality Limited N8C World Wide Events D36C ELP3 Go North Wales I20C A18C Great British Speakers G2C ELP8 Guinness World Records H16C L14C H- Hotels D36C G32C Hard Rock Hotels D44C J13C Harrogate Convention Centre I24C G5C Heaps + Stacks A14C N14C Hilton Liverpool City Centre G17C G16C Hire It Event Furniture A28C F28C Hire-A-Dancer A6C I30C Hiscox H32C D42C Hospitality and Events North A16C G6C Hothorpe Venues HP1 Ideas Box H4C F40C Identilam B8C Identity Group F35C H17C idloom ETL12 J12C Incipio Group A23C C8C Keble College AVP2 ELP9 Konligo EN2 C30C Konligo EN2 G8C LEO ELP1 AVP10 Lick Me I’m Delicious A30C AVP7 Lillibrooke Manor & Barns CNP4 Linguali ETL2 G32C Livebuzz L12C G32C London Fields Brewery ELP6 C28C Longleat CNP1 HP4 Lumiѐre du Soleil IP1 J16C Marketing Liverpool G17C E16C Maxwell’s Group Events - Cafe N20C de Paris & Tropicana Beach Club ELP4 N10C Meet in the Middle G32C N29C Middle Temple J22 ELP2 Millbrook Venues G12C D34C Ministry of Sound ELP10 H36C Montpellier Tourist Board IP6 C46C MTC Events CNP6 M14C Music HQ H42C N4C Musion N40C A25C MxL Ltd L15C NAEC Stoneleigh L9C H22C National Museums Liverpool G17C AVP8 Newcastle Gateshead I18C G7C Newcastle United Football Club I18C G36C Newcastle University I18C H12C Nicholas Hunter B18C noonah D4C IP2 Northumbria University at OS2C Newcastle I18C H40C NOVOTEL London West G9C EN3 ODEON Events I28C ETL4 Optix Events C18C N18C Ortus & Events @ No 6 G34C G24C Oveit N6C PDC Big A26C I18C Pendley Manor J24C G34C Perform Logistics H44C H19C Pigeonhole Live M12C 11 Stand # Pontins Post Castle Media LTD Prestige Events Priority Exhibitions Queen Mary University of London R&B Group Rabbit Technologies Race the Dragon Ltd Radical Reality Radisson Hotel Group RDC Attractions Reftech Response Crowd Ricoh Arena Roehampton Venues Royal College of Physicians Royal Holloway University Royal Museums Greenwhich Sales Doctors Shake It Shakespeare’s England Ltd Shocklogic Shout Promotional Merchandise Showcase Cinemas Silent Conferences Silent Seminars Simply The Best Events Skyline Whitespace Smart Group Solo Floor Coverings Southampton Football Club Spy Games Sterling Event Group Sterling Event Group Strand Palace Hotel Swansea University Swapcard Tag Digital Tame Events Target Response Team Beats Thames Luxury Charters The Association of Association Executives The Barista The Lensbury The Meeting Pod Company Ltd The NEC Thorns Thorpe Park Resorts Titanic Hotel Tutorial Hub Unique Venues of London University of Portsmouth Victoria Warehouse Vintage Bus Bar VIP Experience sponsored by Free- man Virtronix Visit Belfast Waterfront Waterfront Event Band Wellcome Collection Event Spaces West End Studios Whipsmiths Wintergardens Blackpool Xtreme Vortex York Conferences Youngs & Co Zoe London G10C M23C E10C L17C AVP9 I18C ETL16 OS3C F8C F30C C31C F22C ETL4 G32C AVP5 J20 AVP1 J18 A11C ELP5 N15C G32C O4C I2C G14C J28C N27C A64C N35C N16C I29C L18C CNP3 A24C D41C D41C I32C AVP3 L13C EN5 H8C K34C C12C H15C A22C I8C J14C H6C CNP5 F16C H17C G17C J23 AVP4 I7C C48C C24C G42C E12C C26C G28C G17C F12C J21 B30 A12C M27C B24C AVP6 G25C H34C Correct at time of print