Confero Winter 2014: Issue 5 | Page 20

Feature SMALL CUES CHANGE SAVINGS CHOICES By Gabriel Potter, AIF® I n the financial industry, we hear dire warnings often. Pensions are significantly less common for new employees and existing pensions are already under threat. Social Security protection is expected to ultimately shrink for all Americans. Given these additional burdens, most employees still aren’t saving remotely enough for their own retirement with their personal savings or through company sponsored retirement plans, like a 401(k). The fiduciary standard for plan sponsors may expand to include outcome-based measures. In other words, creating an investment lineup with a prudent set of options for employees may not be enough. Instead, actively encouraging a secure retirement for your employees may become the new standard. So, what else can plan fiduciaries do to persuade their employees to change their saving habits? 16 | WINTER 18 SUMMER 2014 2013 Finally, some good news about retirement planning We’ve read an interesting article on this very dilemma which suggests that small changes in employee communications can directly impact savings rates. More specifically, a simply tailored message emailed to employees about their 401(k) savings plan can prime them to increase or decrease their contribution rates. A whitepaper, written James Choi of Yale University and NBER, describes an experiment with tailored email messages designed to influence employee savings behavior. A useful experiment The field experiments tested nine separate cues—embedded in mostly identical emails to control and experiment groups. They determined some cues were only temporarily effective, but some presented long term progress at least one year after the study. The nine cues were in three groups: Anchor, Savings Goals, and Savings thresholds. Anchor cues suggested a contribution rate for employees. For instance, “you could increase your contribution rate by 1% of your income and get more match money for which you are eligible.” Savings Goal cues posited statements like, “contribute $7,000 for the year and you attained it. You would earn $500 more in matching money this year than you’re currently on pace for.” Finally, Savings Threshold cues could quantify the amount of allowable savings, and sometimes demonstrate the gain for an employee. For example, “The next $1500 of contributions you make between now and December 31 will be matched at a 100% rate.” In short, the study determined that presenting targets or goals above a likely existing savings range had an effect of pulling-up the behavior of employees. In their words, “High savings cues