Confero Summer 2015: Issue 11 | Page 15

T ement The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed its long-awaited fiduciary rule addressing conflicts of interest in retirement advice. Consistent with previous announcements made by the White House, the new proposal broadens the scope of retirement advisors who would become subject to the DOL fiduciary standard. It also includes proposed exemptions that would give brokers and insurance agents (and their firms) the ability to continue to earn transaction-based compensation when advising retirement clients, subject to certain significant restrictions. Broad Coverage of Retirement Advisors. Under the DOL proposal, any individual receiving some compensation for providing advice that is specifically directed to a particular plan sponsor, plan participant or IRA owner would automatically be deemed a “fiduciary.” For example, fiduciary status would be triggered by recommending what assets to purchase or sell, and whether to roll over assets from a plan to an IRA. The DOL proposal to broaden its “fiduciary” definition would potentially apply to brokers, registered investment advisers (RIAs), insurance agents, administrative service providers and salespeople. However, the following individuals would be excluded from the fiduciary definition: 1 2 Brokers acting strictly as order-takers for customers who are telling them exactly what to buy or sell without asking for advice Financial institutions (intending to act as counterparties) making a “sales pitch” to fiduciaries of large plans with financial expertise 3 Providersof non-fiduciary investment education only to IRA clients who do not identify specific investment products 4 Providers of valuation services for ESOP stock “Best Interest” Fiduciary Standard. As proposed, all fiduciary advisors would have a duty to provide impartial advice in their client’s best interest. Furthermore, they cannot accept any payments creating conflicts of interest, unless they qualify for an exemption intended to assure that the customer is adequately protected, such as the newly proposed “Best Interest Contract Exemption.” Best Interest Contract Exemption. The DOL proposal establishes a new Best Interest Contract Exemption, giving fiduciary advisors the ability to set their own compensation practices and earn “variable compensation” including commissions. Written Contract. To qualify for this exemption, the firm would need to enter into a written contract with the client that provides for the following: 1 The firm commits to following the “best interest” fiduciary standard 2 The firm represents and warrants that it has adopted compliance policies designed to mitigate conflicts (and there are no differential compensation or other incentives that would tend to encourage individual advisors to make improper recommendations) 3 Any conflicts have been identified and disclosed (and the contract must direct the customer to a web page with additional compensation disclosures) 4 The customer has a private right of action against the firm for contractual breaches (and arbitration clauses are permitted so long as the client has the right to bring class action lawsuits) A failure to adopt appropriate compliance policies would not necessarily result in a violation of the exemption, but it may give rise to a private right of action by the customer for the contractual breach. Customer Disclosures. In addition to the written contract requirement, the Best Interest Contract Exemption would also require various disclosures to be provided to the customer including: a A point-of-sale disclosure to the customer that includes the all-in and ongoing costs of the recommended investment b Annual compensation disclosures that also list the investments purchased or sold during the year c A web page with disclosures of all direct and indirect compensation d Notice and other related disclosures if the advisor is unable to recommend a sufficiently broad range of investments due to platform-related or other limitations Confero | 13