Confero Summer 2014: Issue 7 | Page 4

Contents Summer Issue 2014 • Issue no. 7 6 ONE PAGE MAGAZINE 8 91/2 QUESTIONS A brief overview of some recent events and notable discussions within the industry. An Interview with Jerry Patterson — Jerry Patterson, Senior Vice President of Retirement and Investor services of Principal Financial® Group, discusses employee retirment outcomes. 18 RES IPSA LOQUITOR 16 10 Is Inertia Working Against Your 401(k) Plan? — A discussion on plan sponsor and retirement committee’s struggle with 401(k) interia and how auto enrollment can help combat it. 20 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION 24 ON TOPIC 5 Nunances to Managing Fiduciary Liability with QDIA — An brief overview on the inner workings of QDIAs what plans should know. Be First, Be Smarter, or Cheat— A discussion and brief synopsis on Michael Lewis’ new book, “Flash Boys” and the controversial debate it spurs. 2 | SUMMER 2014 IN EVERY ISSUE: 2 PUBLISHERS LETTER 3 CONTRIBUTORS 4 UPCOMING EVENTS