Confero Summer 2013: Issue 3 | Page 21

W e’ve all been guilty of willful ignorance at one time or another. “I don’t like brussel sprouts,” even though you’ve never come close to eating them. “That book is boring”, though you’ve never actually cracked the cover. “I don’t think the heavy stuff’s gonna come down for quite awhile,” even as a torrential downpour tears at your face. Willful ignorance is about burying your head in the sand – believing what you want to believe and refusing to open your mind to the alternative. When we engage in willful ignorance, we can’t expect much sympathy from others if the tide turns against us. Ignore reality at your own peril. But to my mind, Tibble v. Edison International isn’t about willful ignorance. It’s about sheer ignorance. Naḯveté. “What, me worry?” à la Alfred E. Neuman. (That’s a Mad magazine reference for you young’uns. Go Google it.) And that’s why I can’t help but feel a tad sorry for the members of the Edison Investment Committee. What if they truly didn’t know what they didn’t know? They certainly seemed to hav