SESSION BLOCK 5 Friday , 4:15pm-5:30pm
Beyond Consumption : Storytelling of Food , Identity , and Place Tracks : Applied Theatre , College / University , High School Presenters : Ashleigh Bragg & Emily Schorr Lesnick Location : Crowne Plaza – Carlsbad – Lower Lobby Level
How is the mundane a performance ? How is our food a theatrical experience ? What stories live in our tastes and recipes ? This workshop will map the role of food , identity , ancestral lines , and place . We will draw heavily from Theatre of the Oppressed frameworks and games to facilitate an exploration of lifeways , the roots of our welcome . Guided by two school-based theater facilitators of diasporic heritages , participants will move beyond consumption to connection . Sharing our own stories allows us to connect with other people , with parts of ourselves , with our ancestors and descendants . Where we come from impacts how we identify and how we eat . This workshop is an opportunity to break bread in a facilitated space , to listen and dream and savor . Through this synesthetic exploration of food , identity , and place , we want to illuminate the connectedness of senses in embodiment , and how we are connected to each other .
Calling in Consent ! Using " Playmaking " to include consent based learning in the drama classroom . Track : PreK-8 Presenters : Emily “ EJ ” Jonas & Libby Pope Location : The 5 th Avenue Theatre – Studio A
The power dynamic between a teacher and student is often heightened during the middle school years . This workshop is designed to use process drama strategies to help teachers guide and evoke conversations of consent for every student . Participants will explore a devised theatre and playmaking experience performance that focuses on girls ' experiences in school from the stories shared by women and girls ranging in age from 11- 65 . The play showcased methods of consent-based learning theatre techniques and language that can be used by teachers to continue to foster empowered students . The devised play , Hey , Pretty Girl , is an example of change and a tool for teachers to weave consent-based language into their teaching in order to help middle school students understand their own agency . Participants will discuss the play and partake in devised theatre techniques to work through scenarios of the student-teacher power dynamic . The goal of the workshop is to facilitate discussion and ideas for being an advocate for consent in the classroom . Let ' s call in consent through playmaking and process drama to encourage students to advocate for themselves and their boundaries as well as empower teachers to be guides for students throughout their educational journey from a social-emotional lens .
Embodied Acting Tools for Rehearsal & Classrooms : Michael Chekhov Technique Track : High School Presenter : Meriah Sage Location : Crowne Plaza – San Juan – Fifth Floor
Explore core elements of the Michael Chekhov Technique and gather tools for embodied practice in your classroom / theatre . In this active workshop , we will engage with activities that focus on radiating / receiving , psychological gestures , and atmosphere . Through ball and floor exercises , participants will experience and build strategies in assisting young artists in creating a role for the stage within an ensemble and imagined world .
Updated 7.26.23