Conference News Winter 2023 | Page 43

43 Feature
Tomorrow ’ s leaders The app won ’ t only be useful for research purposes though , it will also play a vital role in attracting the next generation . After all , how else is the industry meant to attract the next generation of event professionals , if we can ’ t back up and define the vast opportunities that are available ?
Prior to The Power of Events ’ Cross Four Nations Roadshow launched in October , Stainton asked universities and students if they felt their relationship and understanding of the events industry was good enough – the answer was unsurprisingly , no . “ This is why we approached 15 universities . So far , 11 of them have signed up to The Power of Events , which speaks volumes ,” he adds .
One of these universities is the University of Westminster , I asked Andrew Smith , professor of urban experiences why he signed up . He said : “ Westminster has been involved in event education for a long time . We were one of the first universities to offer a master ’ s course on it . We run courses on tourism and events , event design and management etc .
“ When we heard about The Power of Events , we thought it was a great opportunity for our students , it was a way of connecting our students to future employers and make sure they understood more about the industry they ’ re getting into .”
After speaking to the professors , students and Stainton , it is clear that the industry and universities must work closer together . “ Both industry and academia have a big marketing job to do , because we want students to come out from their courses and into the events industry and at the moment , I ’ m told barely 50 % of them do which isn ’ t great ,” says Stainton .
“ The students I ’ ve met so far are excited , focused , ambitious and passionate . Their generation will end up being the people that are driving the innovation across the industry . If we don ’ t have a really strong and broad demographic of individuals coming into the industry , we won ’ t have the leaders that we need to maintain the growth and impact on the economy and society ,” he stresses .
“ We want to stay world leaders don ’ t we ?,” asks Stainton , “ so , we need the best out there to take that forward into the next 20 to 30 years .” CN
Next steps
• Schools Engagement Programme : Due to launch in 2024 , with the aim of reaching 4,210 secondary schools across the UK within five years . An East of England pilot of 85 schools will take place in November 2023 .
• Careers Hub : Due to launch in November 2023 , the hub will define the five key routes into the events industry ( apprenticeships , placements , recruitment , university courses , skills courses ), as well as the top 100 job roles . www . conference-news . co . uk