19 Research |
is a shift towards online and hybrid formats : A significant portion of the audience is enjoying the flexibility and lower costs associated with virtual attendance . This shift also includes an increased expectation for hybrid events as a standard offering .
The impact of social media and technology is another fast changing trend to note : The influence of social media and emerging technologies is significant , with attendees expecting events to incorporate or compete with the content and engagement levels they find on these platforms .
A trend that could be driven by Gen X is the desire for flexibility and convenience : Audiences are looking for events that fit into their flexible working patterns , showing a preference for events that offer convenience , such as shorter agendas or the option to consume content asynchronously . Identity ’ s Commentary : Audiences are accustomed to on-demand viewing through streaming services and content delivery platforms . Often time-pressed audiences would rather skip the commute , queues and multiple sessions and watch a specific speaker from the comfort of their desk or home . This allows them to gain time in their day for other priorities .
There is also a related trend towards late decision making and registrations . It is a behaviour that can complicate planning and forecasting for event organisers . Moreover , event planners must not stand still and clearly cannot rely on loyalty to their events , as Q3 ’ s answers show :
Q3 : Has your audience become more loyal or less loyal to your events over the last few years ? ( More loyal – 23 ; It ’ s stayed the same – 47 ; Less loyal – 49 ) Identity ’ s Commentary : Building loyalty comes down to creating a human experience that is relatable
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and relevant to the audience . More often we ’ re seeing the benefits of creating immersive events focussed on shared moments which help form a community with shared connection and memories , and that helps to build loyalty and affinity to the event or brand .
Changing engagement patterns Engaging audiences has become more challenging due to an oversaturation of content and the multitude of platforms where audiences can be reached . Over two-thirds agree that it ’ s become harder to reach their audience due to the number of platforms .
Q4 : Has it become harder to reach your audience because of the number of platforms they exist upon ( social media , event apps etc )? ( Strongly agree - 28 ; Agree - 54 ; Disagree - 35 ; Strongly disagree - 2 ) Identity ’ s Commentary : The proliferation of platforms where audiences can be found is seen as a challenge , indicating the increasing complexity of effective audience communication in a fragmented digital landscape . Having a clear strategy for audience journeys that extend pre- and post-event is becoming increasingly beneficial in establishing a rapport with them .
Other changes flagged by respondents included late decision making and registrations : A trend towards later decision-making and booking patterns is evident , with many attendees registering close to the event date . This behaviour complicates planning and forecasting for event organisers .
Possibly this ties in with reduced willingness to spend : Budget constraints and a general reduction in spending on events are reported , affecting both attendance and the purchase of additional offerings at events . However , it ’ s more likely that the changing trends also include a preference for quality over quantity :
Targeted , well curated events that deliver value and meaningful content to a specific audience are becoming more important than large-scale , less personalised events . This shift indicates a move away from a ‘ one size fits all ’ approach to more strategic , audience-focused event planning .
Among the more worrying trends is increased no-show rates : There ’ s an increase in drop-out or no-show rates at events being highlighted , particularly those that are free to attend , adding to the frustration and planning challenges for organisers . Identity ’ s Commentary : Audiences are more discerning due to a higher value being placed on their time and spend . By incorporating audience insights into the event strategy , we ’ re better able to craft events that resonate with them , and this shapes the value proposition . On the other hand , having an awareness that audiences may confirm or cancel at the last minute helps to create contingency plans .
Other points to note are concerns over health and sustainability : Health concerns related to Covid-19 and an increased awareness of sustainability issues are influencing attendance decisions , with some attendees being more cautious about travel and large gatherings . This is a trend that could fade , although general keenness for a more healthy approach to events is likely to remain firm . Identity ’ s Commentary : The pandemic brought a heightened awareness around health . As a result , not only is hygiene and cleanliness of shared spaces more important , but quiet areas , relaxation areas , and opportunities to reduce sensory overload have become a valuable benefit for audiences . Audiences may also contribute to an events sustainability by participating from a distance , where their unique needs and time constraints may be better served . CN