Conference News Summer 2024 | Page 13

13 Agency view
solution to event planners . Again , this adds in more criteria and rigour for agencies and our staff .
Challenging yes , exciting , absolutely . Venues and hotel groups are delivering ever more interesting and innovative responses to these changing dynamics .
There is a real move for collaboration whereby niche suppliers – those with a more personalised service offering – are merging to deliver excellence and creativity . These support services are becoming powerful partners alongside the venue and the event planners themselves .
People In the meantime , it ’ s no secret that our industry lost a very high number of well trained , professionals during the last few years . We are no longer an attractive career choice to young talent and a big number of our future professionals are choosing to go elsewhere , and to industries that have perhaps more steady prospects .
“ We need to adapt , become curious , and deliver what is now the norm in other professional business solutions ”
People are the superpower , according to EDGE Venuesi
People are our superpower : we need the right skill sets , but also the right personalities to adapt to this changing and challenging world we ’ re operating in . For those entering our industry from others it may be intuitive and easy to adapt to , for others – including some of our senior professionals – it means retraining and rethinking .
For me , hospitality and events remains the most exciting and open industry , with no barriers to creativity , strong job security , and the opportunity to travel .
Long before any structured approach to diversity , the hospitality industry has long supported people from all areas of life . There is no glass ceiling , and it engages all people at all stages and ages of life . This is an industry that keeps on giving and continually challenges itself to do more .
Responding to the technology challenge It ’ s clear that the digital revolution
is alive and well in the majority of industries , accelerated by Covid and the boost digital solutions received during that time . However , technology is expensive and can be daunting . As an industry , meetings and events , being so diverse , has lagged behind other service industries .
This has meant fewer players , and expensive solutions rarely delivering to the various – and quite specific – needs of the different constituencies in our sector . It ’ s true that event and delegate management , virtual and hybrid meetings have taken centre stage . After all , they dealt with the most immediate need during the pandemic . What has been missed , though , is the rise of the requirement for data at the decision-making stage of the journey , to support all aspects and needs of the modern business world .
Businesses need to control on what and how they spend their money as they constantly face judgment by stakeholders . ESG , risk , and spend on events needs to be controlled . Events , however , by their very nature , need that personal touch and creativity to deliver the return on experience , objective , and investment . At EDGE we believe our technology and digital solutions need to reflect this .
We need to accept digital solutions to reduce manual processes and control our costs . This in turn frees up strategic thinking and creativity , and allows for analytical evaluation to establish true value .
We need to adapt , become curious , and deliver what is now the norm in other professional business solutions , and we need to do this with an open mind to change in what is an exciting time for the industry , and for event professionals , past , present and future . CN
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