11 APPG |
Of paramount concern are the visa-related challenges impeding the industry ’ s global outreach , warranting urgent attention from policymakers . While this subject was not directly addressed in detail , it is by nature inherently complex , and any changes that would need to be made involve the reopening of the EU UK Trade Co-operation Agreement . It was suggested that The Business of Events collate a research document from British businesses working across the EU 27 and share this with the APPG at a later date .
Villiers and her colleagues will be attending events for the remainder of this parliament until the General Election is called , at which point all APPGs are dissolved . The APPG for Events was set up in 2011 by Davies Tanner , which today continues to act as its official secretariat and special advisor .
“ Of paramount concern are the visa-related challenges impeding the industry ’ s global outreach ” |
Villiers said : “ I am delighted to have been re-elected as chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Events following the official AGM on 16 April .
“ The events sector provides an enormous opportunity to deliver significant growth in our economy , help every community reach its productivity potential and contribute to the Government ’ s objective of creating opportunities for everyone in the UK .
“ I welcome the work of The Business of Events and look forward to continuing to work with them to develop policy and other initiatives that can unlock the huge potential that exists within the UK ’ s world leading events sector .
“ I will continue to support this vital industry and represent it in Parliament and seek to ensure that its significance is recognised by my parliamentary colleagues and ministers .” CN
WHAT IS AN APPG ? All-Party Parliamentary Groups ( APPGs ) are made up of members from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords , operating without official parliamentary recognition . Typically , larger APPGs appoint officers from major political parties across both chambers .
These groups convene to address specific areas of concern , delving into relevant issues relating to their topic . Frequently , APPGs explore policy matters , discussing recent developments , hosting speakers including stakeholders and government ministers , and conducting inquiries . While they lack formal legislative authority , APPGs serve as effective platforms for bringing together parliamentarians and interested parties .
Each APPG must convene at least two meetings annually , one of which must be either an annual general meeting ( AGM ) or a session involving the election of officers . Upon dissolution of Parliament for a general election , APPGs disband and must be reconstituted .
The official register of APPGs undergoes updates approximately every six weeks . The quantity of APPGs can fluctuate significantly ; for instance , in 2015 , there were over 550 APPGs . By 2 January , 2019 , the number had risen to 692 , but as of 24 February , 2020 , it had decreased to 355 . Notably , in March 2022 , one MP chaired 24 APPGs , while 17 MPs chaired more than five each .