Cameron Roberts uncovers how UK-based agencies are returning to the international scene and creating networks the world over
gencies are frequently at the top-tier of event delivery partners . UK-based agencies specifically , have garnered a reputation for executing events of the highest quality the world over , showcasing the creativity , excellence and uniqueness of the emerald-isles ’ events offering .
But hosting events on the other side of the globe come with its own unique challenges . Without an existing supply line , organisers are asked to deliver with partners that agencies may never have met face-to-face . With sustainability also being the word of the day – flying in-house team members to site is becoming a less popular option , presenting another challenge for organisers .
To find out how agencies are tackling these issues , I spoke with Daniel Curtis , CSO and partner , emc3 ; and Andrew Dawson Wills , operations director , Smyle .
“ I think when you ’ ve got consumers involved , or big international events , people like to be able to get back in the room with other people . We ’ re social creatures , right ? So , there ’ s only so much you can do through an online audience piece .”
- Andrew Dawson-Wills
PUTTING DOWN ROOTS upon audiences , having been deprived of in-person experiences for so long . He said : “ People missed that in-person sharing , peer to peer . As much as digital has grown , its main strength is that it offers global brands something different . It ’ s also easier when you ’ re trying to bring senior teams together or do town halls , all those internal meetings .
“ I think when you ’ ve got consumers involved , or big international events , people like to be able to get back in the room with other people . We ’ re social creatures , right ? So , there ’ s only so much you can do through an online audience piece .”
The thirst for live events is not the only way that the
pandemic has impacted international events . Curtis spoke about how audiences are now no longer neatly located where their businesses are . He said : “ One thing I think that ’ s changed is that , as companies have become more remote , clients don ’ t always know where all of their attendees are coming from . So , an attendee may be |
Face up International events are returning at pace , Dawson-Wills said that Smyle is returning to pre-pandemic levels , with 40 % of its business being international events . But with all of the external pressures surrounding the return to live events , what ’ s the impetus to return to in-room meetings ?
According to Dawson-Wills , the pandemic has had a lasting effect